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Blackbelt Barista

Espresso Ninja´s premium show room

When Espresso Ninja approached us they were looking for someone who could help them achieve their goal of having the best showroom in New Zealand.

A feature wall master piece

With this goal in mind we designed a featurewall that New Zealand has never seen before. Capturing customers attention from outside and drawing them inside. 



Welcoming atmosphere

We worked with our clients to design an inviting showroom for their guests.

Functional space

It was important that there would be ample work space where barista´s could work their magic.


Storage for Africa

The wall is not only a piece of art, but a functional storage unit as well. All of the surrounding cabinets have push to open doors, and adjustable shelving.

LED strip lighting

LED strip lights were carefully routed into every shelving unit. They are called True lights, which mean they are specially designed to show the natural colour of the products on display.


A premium showroom for premium products

State of the art products deserve state of the art joinery.

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